My name is Matthew Neave.
Currently I work as a bioinformatician at the CSIRO in Australia.
I mainly use next generation sequencing platforms to analyze genomes, transcriptomes and microbiomes in a variety of organisms
(see publications for some examples).
These sequencing datasets are quite large, often containing hundreds of millions of DNA sequences contained in text files that can be tens or hundreds of Gb in size.
Thus, data analysis requires the use of linux servers and programming languages, such as python and R.
This website will be used to describe different types of bioinformatic analyses, as well as more general data science projects.
I will also attempt to integrate my scientific papers with the code that is used to produce them.
Oftentimes, scientific journals do not provide an avenue for publishing code or allow for extended discussion on exactly how the data analysis was done.
Here, links will be provided between publications, code and analysis examples, allowing for a more "dynamic" interaction.